Repairs, renovations & remodeling

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Remodeling projects can get rather complicated, so it’s only natural to have questions. Here below you can find the most commonly asked ones. Couldn’t find yours? Give us a call and ask away! One of our experts would be happy to answer all your questions quickly and professionally!

What's the difference between a garage conversion and a remodeling?

In a garage conversion, our team changes your garage into another type of room, such as a bedroom, den, or apartment. In a remodeling, the room continues to remain a garage, but it may be given additional space, have cabinets or overhead storage added, or simply just get a repainting to enhance its look and feel. Ask our experts about how converting or remodeling your garage can enhance its value to your home.

What are the costs involved in replacing a tile shower?

Replacing a tile shower can be expensive because you're not only adding new tile but also creating a surface that it will secure to effectively. We also need to treat the surrounding areas with a water sealant and insure proper drainage. However, when we update your bathroom shower, you not only improve your daily life but you also increase your home's value. Consult with our experts when you're considering replacing your tile shower for the best options and solutions.

What is the best way to clean drywall dust?

Drywall dust can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Before you do that you need to first use a dry cloth or paper towels to remove as much of it as you can. After that, use a damp cloth to absorb the dust particles that got left behind. Go over the same spots a couple of times with new pieces of cloth to ensure that you manage to get everything. Before starting to clean the area, open any nearby windows to keep you from inhaling all the dust that may be circulating through your indoor air.


Need any help? Wondering what your options are? Let us help. Leave your contact information here below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


With our team at Drywall Repair & Remodeling Simi Valley, your satisfaction is always guaranteed on every project.

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Mar 10, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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